Make your password strong

Make your password strong
Make your password strong
The campaign make your password strong celebrates its 1st birthday.

Whoever uses the same password over and over again makes it particularly easy for criminals on the Internet to obtain data.

Your strongest passwords: easy to remember, hard to crack!

Where are you asked for a password to protect your personal data? Almost everywhere when you are on the Internet. And that's a good thing!

So make sure you only enter the data you really need when making online purchases and registering.

However, it is even better if you follow a few simple rules to create as many different, strong passwords as possible. Get involved. Make your password strong!


On 26.10.2021, the prevention campaign "Make your password strong" by the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation (in cooperation with eco-Verband Internetwirtschaft, Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen and Verbraucherinitiative Nordrhein-Westfalen) 1 year old.


Even if it's annoying - nobody can avoid secure passwords. We show you how you can create secure passwords.

The most important things in a nutshell:

  • Secure passwords should be at least 10 characters long, consist of upper and lower case letters as well as special characters and should not be found in any dictionary or be associated with you.
  • Therefore, use a unique password for each user account.
  • The more sensitive an account is (e.g. for online banking), the more important it is to have the strongest possible password.
  • Use two-factor authentication if possible (many online retailers offer 2FA: you first enter your personal password when logging in and then receive, for example, an access code on your smartphone, which you also enter. Be sure to activate this procedure to be on the safe side online)


There is a trick: create a complete password set (e.g. I).e.g. Ich hab Bock auf 2 Döner & 3 Pommes rot-weiß!) and use only the first letters of each word: IhBa2D&3Prw!


For more information, please visit:


For a personal consultation, please contact the

Counseling center of the criminal investigation department

Bernhard-von-Galen- Str. 7A

48653 Coesfeld

Tel.: 02541 14 444


or the

Verbraucherzentrale NRW Dülmen

Overbergplatz 3

48249 Dülmen

Tues: 9 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm

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